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8 of the Best Products To Treat Keratosis Pilaris (Chicken Skin) According To The Experts


Are you tired of dealing with those annoying, rough patches on your skin? If you're nodding, it's likely you're one of the many dealing with keratosis pilaris, often known as "chicken skin." But don't worry, we're here to guide you through understanding this condition and introduce you to eight amazing products that can help.


What is keratosis pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is more common than you might think, with about 40% of people experiencing it at some point in their lives. It's characterized by small, bumpy patches on the skin, often found on the upper arms, thighs, and sometimes the face. These aren't your average pimples; they're tiny plugs of dead cells blocking the hair follicles.

While it's not harmful or contagious, it can be a cosmetic concern, especially when the skin becomes drier in winter or during hormonal changes like pregnancy. The good news? Although there's no permanent cure, you can definitely manage it effectively.


What are the symptoms?

How do you know if it's keratosis pilaris? Look for small bumps that mirror the look of a plucked chicken's skin, which is where the nickname comes from. These bumps are commonly found where hair follicles are present, like your arms and legs.

Why does keratosis pilaris occur?

It's all about a buildup in your pores. When skin cells, keratin, and hair proteins accumulate, they create these tiny, pesky bumps. It's a genetic thing, so if your family has a history of dry skin, eczema, or allergies, you might be more likely to experience it.

But here's the exciting part: We've rounded up eight top-notch products that are experts in tackling keratosis pilaris. These are the go-to choices for smoother, clearer skin. Stay tuned to discover these skincare heroes that can transform your skincare routine and boost your confidence!


How to get rid of keratosis pilaris?

Struggling with those tiny, bumpy patches on your skin, known as Keratosis Pilaris? The good news is, with the right skincare routine, you can significantly reduce their appearance. The key? Exfoliating body lotions packed with powerful ingredients like Glycolic Acid or Salicylic Acid. These not only help slough off dead skin cells but also prevent hair follicles from getting clogged.

Let's dive into some of the best products out there to tackle Keratosis Pilaris:

1. Neostrata Lotion Plus

This lotion is a game-changer with its 15% Glycolic Acid content. It's not just about managing Keratosis Pilaris; it also works wonders on rough, dry skin, softening seborrheic keratosis, and delivering deep hydration.

2. Eneomey Perfect Body 30

Boasting a potent 30% Glycolic Acid formula, this body treatment is all about effective exfoliation. It targets those pesky Keratosis Pilaris bumps, leaving you with smoother, more refined skin.

3. NeoStrata Clarify Gel Plus

This gel isn't just for Keratosis Pilaris. It's packed with Glycolic Acid to address a range of concerns, from photoaging signs like enlarged pores and uneven texture to relieving ingrown hairs.

4. NeoStrata Resurface Problem Dry Skin Cream

When it comes to tackling severe dry skin and Keratosis Pilaris, this cream is your best bet. Its rich formula combines 20% Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Polyhydroxy Acids (PHA) for powerful exfoliation, perfect for dealing with cracked heels and calloused skin.


This lotion is a game-changer for those dealing with oily or acne-prone skin, not to mention its effectiveness against KP and ingrown hairs. Its unique spray format makes application a breeze, reaching every nook and cranny of your body with ease.

6. Medik8 Smooth Body Exfoliating Kit

Revitalize your skin with this dynamic exfoliating kit. Combining the powers of both AHAs and BHAs, this trio is gentle yet potent, smoothing out those pesky bumps and revitalizing rough, bumpy skin with ease. It's the go-to for a smoother, more refined skin texture.

7. IS CLINICAL Body Complex

This product isn't just an exfoliant; it's a hydrating powerhouse. Packed with natural acids, it not only promotes skin exfoliation but also delivers deep hydration and antioxidant protection, making it an ideal choice for moisturizing and treating KP.

8. ZENMED - AHA/BHA Complex

A harmonious blend of AHAs and BHAs works to gradually unclog and minimize pores, clear up post-acne discoloration, and remove dead skin cells. This complex not only offers a brightening effect but also improves overall skin health, effectively tackling KP and blackheads.

With these products in your arsenal, KP doesn't stand a chance! Remember, finding the right product for your skin's needs is crucial. For more personalized advice on treating Keratosis Pilaris, feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected]. We're here to help!

Also, check out our comprehensive skin guide on KP.

Additionally, review our guide on preventing and treating ingrown hairs, written by Dermacare's aesthetic experts, for more insights and tips!

A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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