Treating Scars / Skincare Tips

How to Select the Right Silicone Sheeting for Your Breast Surgery Scar

breast surgery

If you've undergone any type of breast surgery, be it breast augmentation, reduction, lift, or mastectomy, you're likely pondering the best way to treat your scars.

We're here to guide you through the process and unveil the power of silicone sheeting for scar management.

What are silicone sheets?


Silicone sheets are a game-changer for scar management. Crafted from 100% medical-grade silicone, they adhere to your skin effortlessly, molding to any body contour. Not only are they incredibly durable, but the best part is that you can wash and reuse them.

Silicone scar sheeting has earned its reputation as the "gold standard" in scar management. It actively aids the natural scar healing process, softening and flattening even the most stubborn raised scars. This makes silicone sheeting an ideal post-procedure companion to minimize the risk of surgery scarring.

scars     scars


Commonly known as breast lifts, mastopexies are a choice made by women seeking to combat breast sagging due to factors like age or weakened skin unable to support breast weight. During a breast lift, your surgeon will skillfully make an incision around the areola, often extending it down the front and along the sides of the breast. Excess skin is removed, resulting in a rejuvenated breast appearance.

Silicone sheeting for mastopexy scar treatment

curascar circle

Breast circle

This circular-shaped silicone scar sheet is specially designed to conform to the unique contours of your breasts. It's your go-to for Mastopexy scars and other breast-specific procedures.

CuraScar Mammilla Circle Silicone Scar Patch - Clear (Pair) is perfectly tailored for post-Mastopexy scar care.

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing breast appearance, size, and contour. Women opt for breast augmentation for various reasons, from desiring larger breasts to regaining lost breast volume or achieving a lifted look.

Silicone sheeting for breast augmentation scar treatment


Breast Circle & Breast Anchor Shape

These silicone scar sheets are meticulously crafted for breast augmentation procedures, where the goal is to achieve larger, fuller, and lifted breasts.

For this scare care type, consider the following products:

Breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction becomes a necessity for women facing breast loss due to conditions like breast cancer. This procedure not only recreates the breast but can also involve nipple reconstruction.


Silicone sheeting for breast reconstruction treatment

Breast anchor shape

Irrespective of the type of breast procedure you've undergone, silicone sheeting emerges as the ultimate post-procedure ally, working tirelessly to minimize scarring. One of the options available for this type of silicone sheeting is CuraScar Anchors Silicone Scar Patch - Clear (Pair).

Our silicone sheeting is thoughtfully tailored to heal scars resulting from a wide range of breast and non-breast procedures. Discover your secret weapon against scars today!

To sum it up

In conclusion, when it comes to treating scars from breast surgery, silicone sheeting stands out as the tried-and-true ally you've been searching for. Crafted from top-quality medical-grade silicone, these sheets offer a path to scar management excellence.

A photo of Andrea Patel
Andrea Patel Dermatology Nurse Practitioner & Director Author
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